Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just call me flaky.

Hi.  I'm sure all you people (person?) think I'm insane or something now.

My last post was August 29. It is now October 6. I'm ashamed.

I'm being a total fair-weather blogger.  But I'm not doing this on purpose! I swear! I think about blogging every single day, (okay, almost every single day) but this whole "school" thing is kind of taking over my life.

Also, I've realized that cooking can be a very expensive hobby.  Being on the poor college student budget that I am, it's WAY harder than I expected to be able to buy everything I need to make anything I want.  I've quickly found out that I don't have the money, or the time.  Or the utensils. (I'm not joking.  I don't think we even have a mixer in this house.)

But I've kept up with my obsession, the How Sweet It Is blog.  I literally drool over it every single day. I cannot wait until the day I get home so I can (attempt to) make everything I've seen so far.

However.... I have made one thing since the Pancake Sundays that never happened again. 

About a day or two before I refreshed my cooking skills, we had a Meet-the-Greeks cookout on the quad to promote Greek Life on campus.  There were these huge platters of toppings for burgers and such, and by the end of the cookout, there was still an entire, untouched platter of tomatoes.  I didn't want to be wasteful.  So, yes, of course I took it home.  I love tomatoes.  But I didn't really realize how many tomatoes were actually on that platter. And I needed to use them.  So... 

I decided to make White Pizza.  From How Sweet It Is, of course.  (here's the full recipe :)
It was super fast. It was super easy.  And most of all, it was super delicious.

And I can't believe something I made actually turned out as well as it did! Everyone loved it.  When I went home for a weekend I even made it again for my family, and my mother, the carb-hater, wanted me to make another one. HA!

But I have a little secret.  I cheated.  Like super cheated.  I was being lazy, and I didn't make my own crust...OR use actual minced garlic.  (gasp!)  I just opted for a regular Boboli crust, and threw on a little garlic powder in place of all that mincing.

I don't exactly regret that decision though.  This pizza was DIVINE!

These next two weeks are looking pretty rough.  Three midterms, a paper, and a presentation.  The forecast does not look good for a blog anytime within that range, so don't get too excited.  Not that you're really on the edge of your seat waiting for me to post something.  Because you'd probably be on that edge for a very, very long time.  But here's to hoping not THAT long this time!